ASEAN Doctors Schorlarship

Siriraj Scholarship for ASEAN and Developing Countries

Following the accomplishment of the Siriraj Scholarship for Doctors in ASEAN and developing countries, including CLMV countries, Indonesia, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, and Nepal in 2017 – 2019.
The Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University agrees to extend the consecutive program of Siriraj Scholarship for ASEAN and Developing Countries in 2020 – 2023, with the great intention to extend the opportunity for the medical personnel in many regions to explore the research, medical practice, and the healthcare system in Thailand.
We increase the number of countries to more than 40 of the developing countries which is the list of the authorized country to apply for this program please see ‘list of the countries’

Admission Round

Please note that there are 4 rounds of admission available as follows:

1st Round: Deadline for application submission by January 31st

2nd Round: Deadline for application submission by April 30th

3rd Round: Deadline for application submission by July 31st

4th Round: Deadline for application submission by October 31st


Contact Us

Mrs. Janjira Pengpreecha
Tel: 66 2419 9465-6 ext. 102/106
Division of International Relations
Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital
Mahidol University
No. 2 Wang-lang Road, Bangkok-noi District
Bangkok 10700 THAILAND