Prof. Dr. Yodchanan Wongsawat Faculty of Engineering, Mahidol University to visit Siriraj Medical Simulation for Education and Training

On September 29th, 2021, Khaemchat  Wangtawesap, MD. Deputy Dean for Assets and Inventory Department along with Assoc.Prof. Vitoon  Chinswangwatanakul, Head of the division of General Surgery welcomed Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yodchanan Wongsawat and followers from Faculty of Engineering, Mahidol University to visit Siriraj Medical Simulation for Education and Training (SiMSET) on the 10th floor Adulayadejvikrom Building and Siriraj Training and Education Center for Clinical Skills (SiTEC) on the 4th floor Srisavarindira Building.

Simulation Education: from Expert to Practice

Siriraj Medical Simulation Center for Education and Training (SiMSET) was established under the Faculty of Medicine, Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University since 2015. One of the purposes of this simulation center foundation is for training the healthcare personnel who are interested in using simulation for medical education. The SiMSET had cooperated with the Thai Society for Simulation in Healthcare (Thai-SSH) in teaching simulation for medical education for many years, both for basic simulation principles and advanced faculty development. Although we have contributed the effective teaching that aiming for the patient safety, we now realize that most of the trainings are focused on only skill and knowledge training. Professionalism training in healthcare is also an important issue nowadays especially the inter-professional education (IPE). Simulation is proved to be an effective method for teaching the IPE, but the experience of teaching the IPE in Thailand is not significance.

Department of Emergency Medicine, in cooperated with Thai-SSH, SiMSET and Siriraj Health science Education Excellent center (SHEE) , Faculty of Medicine, Siriraj Hospital have organized the conference project in the topic of “Simulation Education: from Expert to Practice”, which consists of 1 day academic conference and 2 days of workshop about inter-professional education in simulation.


1. Provide the basic principles for simulation and inter-professional education in healthcare

2. The participants are able to develop the IPE teaching program by using simulation.

3. The participants are able to design the appropriate IPE scenario and effectively debrief their learners.

4. Contribute to the development of future healthcare educators interested in simulation


1. Basic principles and common problems in teaching simulation in healthcare

2. Sharing experiences and how to success of the simulation experts

3. Principles and experience in inter-professional education

4. Faculty development in debriefing method

5. Optimize the simulation-based assessment

6. Role of simulation in healthcare transformation


1-day of academic conference on 19th August, 2019 (Most of the conference are presented in Thai language.)

1-day of international inter-professional workshop for under-graduation personnel on 20th August, 2019, instructed by Prof. John M. O’Donnell from The Peter M. Winter Institute for Simulation Education and Research (WISER), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

1-day of international inter-professional workshop for post-graduation personnel on 21st  August, 2019, instructed by Prof. John M. O’Donnell from WISER, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

Target group

International and national healthcare instructor or personnel who interested in using simulation for education especially for training the inter-professional education

**For Thai healthcare personnel, there are the CME and CNEU credit provided.


The workshop : SiM-Specialist for CPIRD

The workshop : SiM-Specialist for CPIRD
22 – 23 March 2018 at Siriraj Medical Simulation Center for Education and Training: SiMSET
10th floor, Adulayadajvikrom Building, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital.


        Participants as a healthcare provider from outside the Faculty, All participants come from Collaborative Project to Increase Production of Rural Doctor, 27 participants attended.

SiM-CASE: Clinical Application in Simulation Education for CPIRD

The workshop : SiM-CASE: Clinical Application in Simulation Education for CPIRD 22 – 23 March 2018 at Siriraj Medical Simulation Center for Education and Training: SiMSET 10th floor, Adulayadajvikrom Building, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital.

Participants as a Medical Instrutor from outside the Faculty, All participants come from Collaborative Project to Increase Production of Rural Doctor, 23 participants attended.