1st Teleconference SiCORE-Cancer

Teleconference with SAB in October 2019

Prof. Dr. Prasert Auewarakul, Deputy Dean for Research as the chairperson, along with Assoc. Prof. Sith Sathornsumetee, Manager of Siriraj Center of Research Excellence Management Unit (SiCORE-M) and his team were in charge of organizing the first teleconference between SiCOREs and their Scientific Advisory Board (SAB).

The teleconference includes;


On October 17th – 18th, 2019 – Dr. Somponnat Sampattavanich, Head of Siriraj Center of Research Excellence in Cancer Precision Medicine and Systems Pharmacology (SiCORE-PM&SP) and his team scheduled the teleconference with their SAB members, namely, Prof. Christopher Corless from Oregon Health and Science University and Prof. Andrew Futreal from University of Texas, MD Anderson.


On October 22nd – 24th, 2019 – Prof. Dr. Pa-Thai Yenchitsomanus, Head of Siriraj Center of Research Excellence in Cancer Immunotherapy (SiCORE-CIT) and his team had a teleconference with their SAB members, namely, Prof. Jacque Galipeau from University of Wisconsin Madison, Prof. Cassian Yee from University of Texas, MD Anderson and Prof. Jeff Evans from University of Glasgow.


We do hope these teleconference would be a good starting point of the new research management in our Faculty.  All insight and recommendations from the SAB members will certainly guide the research directions to become internationally excellence. We do realize that this will surely be an important part for the progress of our flagship research programs in Cancer.

1st Teleconference SiCORE-Dengue

On 30 August 2019 –  Prof. Dr. Prasert Auewarakul, Deputy Dean for Research was the chairperson in the first teleconference between SiCORE-Dengue and Scientific Advisory Board members (SAB), namely
Prof. Sir Andrew J. McMichael from University of Oxford and Prof. Xiao-Ning Xu from Imperial College London. This video conferencing was held under the coordination of Assoc. Prof. Sith Sathornsumetee, Manager of Siriraj Center of Research Excellence Management Unit (SiCORE-M) and his team along with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Panisadee  Avirutnan, Head of SiCORE-Dengue. Through the strategic plan of our Faculty associated with the proposed SAB program activities, we realize this would be an important part for the progress and development of our flagship research programs in Dengue and Emerging Pathogens.

1st Teleconference SiCORE-Allergy


On 16 September 2019 – Prof. Dr. Prasert Auewarakul, Deputy Dean for Research, Assoc. Prof. Sith Sathornsumetee, Manager of Siriraj Center of Research Excellence Management Unit (SiCORE-M) and his team along with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pongsakorn Tantilipikorn, Head of SiCORE Allergy scheduled the first teleconference with the Scientific Advisory Board members (SAB), namely, Prof. Rudolf Valenta from Medical University of Vienna, Prof. Giorgio Walter Canonica from Humanitas University and Prof. Stephen R. Durham from Imperial College London. The purpose of this activity was to provide SAB brief overview of the on-going projects of SiCORE-Allergy. Eventually we do hope this program would bring advantages in terms of guidance on research directions and comments on the scientific progress to the research team including a confidential critique to Dean and Siriraj Center of Research Excellence Management (SiCORE-M).

SiCORE-M – Staff

Associate Professor of Medicine Sith sathornsumetee, M.D.

Manager, Siriraj Center of Research Excellence Management Unit (SiCORE-M)

Associate Professor of Pediatric Oranee Sanmaneechai, M.D.

Deputy Manager, Siriraj Center of Research Excellence Management Unit (SiCORE-M)

Associate Professor of Surgery Prawej Mahawithitwong, M.D.

Deputy Manager, Siriraj Center of Research Excellence Management Unit (SiCORE-M)

Assistant Professor of Psychology Woraphat Ratta-apha, M.D., Ph.D.

Deputy Manager, Siriraj Center of Research Excellence Management Unit (SiCORE-M)

Assistant Professor of Psychology Tachjaree Panchalee Boonbowornpong, M.D.

Deputy Manager, Siriraj Center of Research Excellence Management Unit (SiCORE-M)

SiCORE-M – About

Vision and Mission

Our Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital is in the process of research transformation. SiCORE-M Unit was founded in November 2017 as a management initiative to create a new research ecosystem with customized strategic research management to serve the complex need of our signature research programs (Siriraj Center of Research Excellence, SiCORE). As SiCORE-M is an independent operating unit under the Dean of Faculty, it provides a flexible yet integrated management platform for researchers. At present, SiCORE-M team consists of four faculty members (a manager and three deputy managers), head of operating unit and 4 research management staffs, while Deputy Dean for Research and two prominent health research management experts from the National Health Foundation of Thailand serve as our consultants.

We aim to provide strategic management to SiCOREs in order to: improve research productivity and impact; promote research translation; enable technology transfer and commercialization; and implement research findings at various levels. We will also develop a pilot human resource management scheme, international partnership, professional grant management system, research output monitoring and evaluation system along with promotion and reward strategies for SiCORE programs.

One of the important mechanisms to guide direction of research and innovation for SiCORE programs and our faculty of medicine is to have international and domestic advisory committees (Research and Innovation Advisory Committee, RIAC) that provide research management advice to SiCORE-M for policy and organization development in relation to research excellence and to recommend strategy and planning (overall and theme-specific) of research and innovation of the Faculty of Medicine. In addition, the RIAC will provide guidance for assessment of outputs and outcomes from our signature SiCORE programs and recommend key international research network for new collaboration.