Depression – the Silent Pain

The topic of depression is one that is gaining more attention, but it can still be confusing and uncertain for many people. There are questions about what causes it, how severe it can be, and what kind of help is available for those who may be struggling with it. However, what matters most is finding ways to prevent depression and supporting those who are affected by it.

Depression vs Sadness?

Experiencing sadness is common for individuals, and there is no need to worry as long as these emotions can be managed effectively. It is important to note that experiencing sadness for prolonged periods can negatively impact one’s daily life. However, as long as one is able to keep their emotions in check, they can continue to go about their daily routine as usual. On the other hand, depression is a mental illness that causes abnormal emotions. Individuals with depression feel a stronger and longer-lasting sense of sadness or hopelessness than usual, which can persist for at least two weeks.

Signs of Depression

Those emotions involving depression can have an impact on their behavior. They may lose interest in activities they once enjoyed, experience changes in appetite, and begin to eat less. They may also have sleeping problems, fatigue, lack of concentration, negative self-perceptions, low self-esteem, view things negatively, and in extreme cases, have thoughts of suicide. If an individual or their loved one suspects they may be at risk of depression, seeking help from mental health professionals is crucial. These professionals use interviews, medical histories, and mental examinations to diagnose the condition.

Cause of Depression

The causes of depression can be physical or biological, such as chemical imbalances in the brain or certain physical illnesses. Additionally, the use of substances or certain medications can lead to depressive symptoms. Psychological factors, like coping skills, stress management, and personality, play a role, as well as social factors, such as loss, stress in close relationships, or chronic illness.


  • Medication: Specific drugs designed to address depression or chemicals that target the brain.
  • Psychotherapy: Communication with a psychologist, psychiatrist, or another mental health provider, seeking help, and finding new problem-solving strategies.
  • Social Engagement: Involving family and close friends, making environmental changes, and participating in stress-relieving activities.
  • Self-Care: Reducing the risk of depression by taking care of physical health, avoiding substance abuse, and learning to manage anxious emotions.

If you need help

If you find yourself in a situation where you need help, please know that you are not alone. Seeking help is the best thing you can do for yourself. We encourage you to reach out to emergency services or a hotline.

Mental Health Hotline (domestic call) 1323

Samaritans Thailand Hotline 02-113-6789

Don’t be afraid, if you need help. Your well-being is important, and help is available.


It’s important for patients to have the support of close friends and family who are aware of their condition and understand their illness. If these individuals notice any changes in the person’s behavior, such as feelings of sadness, irritability, loss of interest, or lack of motivation, they should not assume that the person is seeking attention. Instead, they should ask how they can help and offer support. If depression is suspected, it’s crucial to encourage the person to seek treatment. The most important thing is to listen without judgment or abandonment.


Original Content by:

Assist. Prof. Kitikan Thana-udom

Specialized in Mood disorder, Geriatric psychiatry

Department of Psychiatry

Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital


Siriraj Launched “PSYJAI” A.I. ChatBot For Mental Health

The Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital and the Faculty of Engineering, Mahidol University, launched “Psy Jai” by Siriraj, a co-developed Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) chatbot for mental health and emotional support during the COVID-19 pandemic through its Facebook page

The application ”Psy Jai” can screen and assess your emotional status and chatting with it will help you relieve the stress and restore your mental stability. The data will be kept confidentially and can be recalled on the dashboard for follow up. The name “Psy Jai” is a homonym of “Sai Jai” which means “taking care of” or “put (someone/something) into the heart” in Thai. “Psy” also stands for psychiatry, the application’s owning department. The project “Psy Jai” chatbot was supported by the Office of The National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC).
Scan QR code to experience the help from “Psy Jai” at any time you might need some support.

Siriraj Faculty Abroad at International Congress “PRCP 2021”

Lecturer Dr. Maytinee Srifuengfung of Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, attended and delivered a research oral presentation on the topic “Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Older Adults Living in Long-term Care Centers in Thailand, and Risk Factors for Post-traumatic Stress, Depression, and Anxiety” at the 19th International Congress of the Pacific Rim College of Psychiatrists (PRCP 2021). This congress was held as a hybrid platform, both online and onsite, at the Swiss Grand Hotel Seoul, Republic of Korea, between April 8th – 10th, 2021.

Siriraj Faculty Abroad at UCLA

Congratulations to Asst. Prof. Kitikan Thana-udom of Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, who has completed her role as a ‘Visiting Assistant Research Scientist (Research Fellow) in Psychiatry’ at the ULCA Semel Institute for Neurosciences and Human Behavior, and at the Division of Geriatric Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry, University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) between October 1st, 2018 – June 11th, 2020.

During her services, Asst. Prof. Kitikan has assisted in many research topics such as memory impairment, memory training, and late-life mood disorder. Asst. Prof. Kitikan also participated in the CSR activities with the Royal Thai Consulate by giving a lecture to senior housing on the topic “Mental Health in Elders” and delivered a poster presentation at the “American Psychiatric Association Meeting 2019” in San Francisco. Asst. Prof. Kitikan also attended the Short Training Course in “Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia”. She recently published her research topics, “Sleep Quality, Neurocognitive Performance, and Memory Self-Appraisal in Middle-Aged and Older Adults with Memory Complaints” and “A Randomized Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Trial of Combined Escitalopram and Memantine for Older Adults With Major Depression and Subjective Memory Complaints”. And lastly, Asst. Prof. Kitikan has delivered an abstract presentation on the topic “Anxiety Symptoms are Associated with Smaller Insular and Orbitofrontal Cortex Volumes in Late-Life Depression”.


the 2nd International Conference on Neuroscience, Neurology, and Psychiatry

Asst. Prof. Pornjira Pariwatcharakul from theDepartment of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital delivered a talk on Psychopharmacology in clinical practice: when is augmentation/combination considered? at The 2nd International Conference on Neuroscience, Neurology, and Psychiatry organized by the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Sumatera Utara in collaboration with Indonesian Psychiatric Association North Sumatera Branch and Indonesian Neurology Association Medan Branch, Indonesia during June 21st – 22nd, 2019.

#irsiriraj #sirirajfacultyabroad

Siriraj Faculty Abroad at “66th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry” in USA

Asst. Prof. Wanlop Atsariyasing of Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, conducted a research poster presentation on the topic “Prevalence of Cyberbullying and Its Associations with Unsafe Online Behaviors, Social Media Addiction, and Psychosocial Problems among 7th-9th Grade Students” at the 66th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in USA between October 14th – 19th, 2019. #sirirajfacultyabroad

Siriraj Faculty Abroad in Japan

Assoc.Prof. Pornjira Pariwatcharakul and Asst.Prof. Woraphat Ratta-apha from the Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, joined the psychiatrists from 15 countries in Asia to attend a research conference on the topic “Research on Psychotropic Prescription Pattern (REAP)” at Fukuoka International Congress Center in Fukuoka, Japan, between October 11th – 13th, 2019.

Siriraj Faculty Won the Excellent Research Presentation Award in Japan

Assoc.Prof. Pornjira Pariwatcharakul from the Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, conducted a research poster presentation and won the Excellent Research Presentation Award on the topic “Holy Water Bathing Versus Antipsychotics in the Treatment of Schizophrenia: a Scenario-based Survey on Clinical Decision-making Among Thai Medical Students” at the 6th Congress of the Asian College of Neuropsychopharmacology (AsCNP) 2019 in Fukuoka, Japan, between October 11th – 13th, 2019.