Otorhinolaryngology – Contact

Main mailing address
Department of  Otorhinolarygology
Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University
15th Floor, Siamindra Building

2 Wanglang Road Bangkoknoi, Bangkok 10700, Thailand

Telephone : +66 2 419 8045
Fax : +66 2 419 8044
Website (Thai) : http://www.si.mahidol.ac.th/ent
Website (English)http://www.si.mahidol.ac.th/en/departments/otorhinolaryngology
Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/siriraj.ent
E-mail : sientinternational@gmail.com


Otorhinolaryngology – About




“Department of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital will be one of the top international institute with advances in research, excellence in teaching, and best in treatment service.”


“We are united in action and spirit to move Department of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, forward to be excellent in teaching, service, research, and rehabilitation for equality of treatment to all people”


Siriraj Hospital began the service for patients with eye, ear, nose, and throat diseases first time in 1930 as parts of Surgery Department. At that time, there were only 2 staff physicians; Dr. Dang Kanchanarunya and Dr. Noble. In 1936, the EENT training began and Dr. Porn Varavech was the first resident. In 1945, the department of Eye-Ear-Nose-and Throat (EENT) was officially separated from the department of Surgery. The services of EENT department at that time were dominantly treatment and operation of ear diseases especially on otitis media.

The Department of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital was officially set up In 1970 and Professor Porn Varavech who was the first chairman of the department had developed substantial advancement in the field, for examples; Laryngo – Broncho – Esophagology, Radical mastoidectomy (chisel), Otogenic brain abscess, Sinus surgery (chisel), Tonsillectomy (dissection), and Tracheostomy, etc.

In 1972, Associate Professor Dr. Chern Saekararit, the first physician in Thailand and Asia came who was certified by the American Board of Otolaryngology (Tulane University, USA since 1962) was appointed the chairman of the department. Since then, numerous progresses in the field were recognized, for examples; Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma, Maxillectomy, Laryngectomy, Vein graft tympanoplasty, etc.
At a later time, several divisions and units have been established as follows

  • 1972 Hearing and Speech therapy unit
  • 1973 Neuro-Otology unit
  • 1973 Allergy unit
  • 1982 Laryngology Clinic
  • 1982 Facial Plastic Surgery unit
  • 1985 Bangkok Neuro-Otology and Hearing center
  • 1989 Voice Clinic
  • 1990 Inner Ear and Skull Base Surgery
  • 1991 Middle Ear Surgery
  • 1992 Rhinology unit
  • 1994 Pediatric Otolaryngology
  • 2008 Snoring clinic
  • 2010 Swallowing unit
  • 2011 Sleep Medicine unit



Assist. Prof. Phawin Keskool


Deputy Chairman, Assoc. Prof. Kitirat Ungkanont

Deputy Chairman

Assoc. Prof. Kitirat Ungkanont


Deputy Chairman of Education, Asst. Prof. Suvajana Atipas

Deputy Chairman of Education

Assist. Prof. Suvajana Atipas


Deputy Chairman of Service

Assist. Prof. Sarun Prakairungthong


Assistant Chairman of Research and Acadamic Affairs
Assist. Prof. Paiboon Sureepong