Surgery – Contact

Coordinator of Foreign Affair                         
Department of Surgery Faculty of Medicine


13th floor , Syamindra Building
Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University
2 Prannok Road, Bangkok, 10700, Thailand

Phone : 0-2419-8013 ext. 105  Fax : 0-2412-9160


Surgery About

 Department of Surgery

The Department of Surgery was founded in 1923, and has maintained a high reputation for nearly three quarters of a century. Sixty-six full-time staff members working in harmony with approximately one thousand nurses, thirty secretariats and forty clerks form the basis of the department.  For academic and administrative reasons, the department structurally divides into nine divisions namely Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, General Surgery, Head-Neck and Breast Surgery, Neurosurgery, Pediatric Surgery, Plastic Surgery, Trauma Surgery, Urology and Vascular Surgery. The main tasks of the department cover all fields of surgical teaching, both at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels, service and research.

As one of the largest health centers in the country,

approximately 130,000 surgical patients visit our out-patient clinic each year, and eight thousands are admitted. Four hundreds and thirty beds are available for the department, and eighty percent are in the public wards. There are forty-eight operative theaters and more than thirty-thousand minor and major operative procedures are performed each year. Besides conventional operations, minimal invasive surgery plays a major role in our surgical treatment and 7,000 procedures in diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy are performed each year at our endoscopic unit.

Regarding organ transplantation, the department has maintained its major role especially in renal transplantation for more than ten year. Heart and liver transplantation are also successfully performed recently.
Apart from delivering conventional and advanced surgical treatment, the department also serves as a center for special investigations and sophisticated non-surgical therapy. Esophageal and rectal manometry, color- Duplex Doppler ultrasonography for vascular diseases and urodynamic study are examples of non-surgical treatment.


To be outstanding in education, research, medical service and up to international standard in term of technology and quality. In addition, the department will be an excellent center for training and health promotion in Surgery for the sake of Thai people.y – Home


To be one of the Southeast Asians Excellence in Academy, Research and Services (2006)
To be Excellent in Education, Academy, Research and Medical Service with International Quality (2010)




Associate Professor Chanean Ruansetakit, M.D.

( รองศาสตราจารย์ นายแพทย์เฉนียน  เรืองเศรษฐกิจ )