The spirit of SIRIRAJ – The first and largest hospital of Thailand

The Spirit of Siriraj

The Beginning of Siriraj hospital

On the west bank of the beautiful and lively Chao Praya river stands Siriraj hospital for more than 130 years. The hospital was established on King Rama V’s tremendous benevolence, who longed for better health for his people at a time when traditional medicine service was the only option to relieve the sufferings. After a hundred years, which is a long time, not only did that aspiration not dissipate with time, but rather strengthened and became the culture of the Siriraj people today.

Prince Mahidol – The Founder of Siriraj

The two important quotes of Prince Mahidol who leveraged the hospital’s medical services and education even further inspired Siriraj people and continue to motivate the healthcare personnel

to this day.

“Let consideration of personal gain take second place for the overall benefit of mankind, prestige and wealth are natural rewards for a just and sincere dedication to work” and “True success is not in the learning but in its application to the benefit of mankind” remain provocative, impactful, and timeless.


Day by day, Siriraj has dedicated itself to serve the selfless acts for the well-being of all Thai people, regardless of gender, class, race, religion, or any other status. For all of its hard work, the hospital continues to thrive and gain more and more trust from Thai people, and just recently has been known

as ‘The Hospital of the Land’.


Nowadays, Siriraj Hospital is not only Thailand’s first and largest hospital, but it also ranks top in several categories. Siriraj aspires to be a leading hospital in the region while simultaneously preserving the original philosophy of altruism and down-to-earth personality.